Bona UK comisssioned DWP Imaging Ltd to capture the mood of this 123 room hotel. The eye-catching bar and balcony areas show exactly where it is situated, right in the heart of London's cinema and theatre district. The photography needed to express the vibrance of the West End whilst capturing the well specified client's products. The views are incredible and well worth a visit, whilst obviously admiring the quality and finish of the flooring.
Some would question why shoot flooring? We walk on it every day, different surfaces, different finishes, in a variety of textures, and colours. All of which are competing for our footfall. We shoot safety floors, artistic floors, practical floors, comfortable floors, commercial floors, residential floors even carpet and tiling.
When a client identifies a location for DWPi to shoot, there has to be a good reason. With this particular flooring photography project the aim was to do a recce of the site beforehand to identify when was the best time of day. The technical angle was that the floor was dark and the London skyline was bathed in brilliant sunshine. So later in the day as the sun was lower in the sky was optimum.
Having another great vantage point in London to view the expansive skyline, is truly a bonus. The views from this hotel balcony are amazing and Timbered Flooring Co who fitted the floor have done a fantastic job. Bona UK who supplied the colour craft oil and Traffic HD finish have added a brilliant sheen to the timber floor.